The New World Impulse:

It’s a major spiritual force behind our changing world. Read more about this fascinating phenomenon below

What's Going on?

A spiritual dimension exists behind our physical world. It influences and drives all life forward. This dimension is governed by realities, rules and principles, just like the physical world is. Except, we still know very little about them. Everything in our world is affected by these principles, whether it’s our inner life, our bodies, or the planet itself. The spiritual and physical dimensions are constantly interacting. Forces pass between them – creating, harmonising, destroying – in an eternal dance. They all originate from a single Source, and are all manifestations of a great, divine, creative principle.

This divine creative principle is sent out and spread through the universe by this Source, through which it ripples in rhythms or pulses, just like waves on the sea: cosmic impulses fill the universe and change it constantly. These impulses touch everything in their wake; individuals, planets, galaxies are washed over alike, and all are guided, impacted, altered by their presence. Nothing remains the same after they pass.

It is one such impulse that our world is currently being impacted by; it is washing over us in just the same way previous waves have. All the many changes going on today are driven by these principles – the “good” as well as the so-called “bad” and “ugly”. And just as previous waves saw the development of new major phases and shifts in consciousness and living (the last major wave hit us approximately during the period 500 BCE to 600 CE), so will this wave bring in changes as momentous and profound.

Prosperus is dedicated to contributing to knowledge about these changes and the spiritual reality behind them. The more we all know about it, the better we will be able to create lives of joy, peace and freedom. Explore the material on this page for more basic information about the spiritual world impulse currently affecting our little planet.

key spiritual impacts

Everything, from art and culture to our inner life and the world at large, is affected, but in particular we are experiencing changes in these areas:

sensory Development

Our spiritual senses are evolving, and will evolve further, permitting direct experience of the spiritual reality in exactly the same way as we experience physical reality

Clearer world picture

A new, clearer world picture and understanding of reality will emerge – how everything comes to be and works, along with better understanding of previous world pictures

New artistic culture

A great flourishing and renaissance of creativity and culture, which will inspire, educate and beautify our world, and provide opportunity for the creative genius within us all to manifest

Birth pangs and challenges

Rapid growth and evolution in all areas, but also significant personal and social growing pains, which are made easier through building knowledge and understanding



New eras of cooperation, harmony and generosity in the political and social order, healing past wounds, changing the economic system and the creation of loving, wise international governance

Scientific advancement

The equipping of science to deal with spiritual realities, leading to new scientific, industrial and technological revolutions, and the reorientation of society to a clearer picture of reality

learn more

To learn more about any of these key impacts, along with the many, many others that are playing out, explore the many free resources being made available on this site, available in the “Archive” section. For those who are ready and want to go deeper, consider signing up for an Academy course. As well as supporting your own journey, joining a paid course will help others in their journey.



spiritual science

Our world has made huge advances through the development of science. We’ve studied how the world works, and benefited greatly. And science itself is a result of our prior evolution. A big impact of the changes going on is the development of spiritual science: a science that will evolve to work directly with spiritual reality and matter. It will come to impact every aspect of our lives in the future. Getting ahead of the curve will be a key concern of every spiritual pioneer.


Knowledge-based approaches to personal and spiritual development. Backed by scientific understanding of spiritual reality, people will be equipped for travelling the spiritual pathway


New technological discoveries will eventually free people to focus on personal and social development. Initial challenges aside, there is the promise of a future of peace, security and joy


Spiritual science will help us align our social, political and economic realities with the same basic principles underpinning the universe, namely love and wisdom, helping create ultimately a unified world

A lesson from danish spiritual teacher, martinus

One spiritual pioneer who wrote extensively about these spiritual forces, and world impulses in particular, was the Danish writer and philosopher Martinus (1890-1981). In his masterpiece, Livets Bog (The Book of Life), he discussed how the planet had already experienced transformation from a World Impulse, which led to the establishment of the three major world religions over a thousand year period. 

In our time and in the centuries to come, a new World Impulse is transforming our planet again, and ushering in a new world civilization. 

The symbol overleaf shows how cosmic impulses emanate from the Source or “Godhead” and radiate throughout the universe. The double circle in the centre symbolises Earth, which is currently in touch with three such cosmic impulses. One is very ancient, and its influence has almost disappeared. Another touched us around 2,000 years ago, and the Earth is still predominantly in touch with its influence. A third cosmic impulse started to influence us from around 1850 onwards. Its influence has been picking up speed, leading to rapid changes at all levels of being. 

From Livets Bog (The Book of Life), 1932. Volume 1, §53:

“If the Earth, as mentioned previously, is now proceeding towards the reception of a new and strong spiritual world impulse, this means that it is on the way to becoming the object for a new and strong release of the Creative Principle’s light radiation which, in line with the earlier impulses from that principle, will begin to stimulate and perfect mankind’s development and spiritual life for thousands of years.”

Symbol 1: The Spirit of God upon the Face of the Waters

© Martinus Institut 1981. The Eternal World Picture, Volume 1

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